Welcome to Mr. Tredinnick's Economics ClassThe goal this one semester Economics course is for the student
to demonstrate an understanding of basic economic concepts. Students become familiar with the economic systems of the world, with a focus on the economic system of the United States, and how they operate. By examining different economic systems students will be finding out how different economic systems operate and what impact they have on the people. Students will examine their roles as consumer, worker, investor and voting citizen. Topics of discussion include the Stock Market, comparative economic systems, and the impact of political and social decisions on the economy. |
Week 18 (A) - Review and FinalsMonday: No Class "B" Day
Tuesday: Review Day Wednesday: No Class - Finals Thursday: No Class - Finals Friday: Final @ 8:30 AM |
Week 18 - Review and FinalsMonday: Review Day
Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Final @ 8:30 AM Thursday: No Class - Finals Friday: No Class - Finals |
Week 17 (A) - The World BankMonday: No School - Memorial Day
Tuesday: No Class "B" Day Wednesday: Go over Homework - About the IMF - IMF Notes - Film - Interview John Perkins (Speaking Freely vol 1) - 12:15 - 35:00 Thursday: No Class "B" Day Friday: The World Bank - Review Time |
Week 17 (B) - The World BankMonday: No School - Memorial Day
Tuesday: World Bank - Get Study Guide Wednesday: No Class "A" Day Thursday: Review Day Friday: No Class "A" Day ![]()
Week 16 (A) - WTO and IMFMonday: No Class "B" Day
Tuesday: Present Trade Posters - Begin WTO notes Wednesday: No Class "B" Day Thursday: Finish WTO Notes - Pros vs Negatives in class activity - HW: Is the WTO good or bad? Why? (Paragraph due Friday) Friday: No Class "B" Day |
Week 16 (B) - WTO and IMFMonday: Present Trade Posters
- Begin WTO notes Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: WTO Notes - Pros vs Negatives in class activity - HW: Is the WTO good or bad? Why? (Paragraph due Friday) Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Go over Homework - About the IMF - IMF Notes - Film - Interview John Perkins (Speaking Freely vol 1) - 12:15 - 35:00 |
Week 15 (A) - Begin Unit IVMonday: Review Day
Unit III Test - Macroeconomics on Tuesday Tuesday: No Class "B" Day Wednesday: Unit III Test - Macroeconomics Thursday: No Class "B" Day Friday: Trade Group Project ![]()
Week 15 (B) - Begin Unit IVMonday: No Class "A" Day
Tuesday: Unit III Test - Macroeconomics Wednesday: No Class "A" Day Thursday: Trade Group Project Friday: No Class "A" Day |
Trade Group Project
Group 1 - Benefits (pg 511)For Each of the following explain them and provide an example
- Specialization - Economic Interdependence - Absolute vs. Comparative Advantages - Exports - Imports |
Group 2 - Barriers (pg 520)For Each of the following explain them and provide an example
- Quotas - Dumping - Tariff - Embargo - Protectionism - Infant Industry |
Group 3 - Trade Unions (pg 532)For Each of the following explain them and provide an example
- Free Trade Zone - Customs Union - Cartel - WTO (Explain what it is) - EU (Explain what it is) |
Week 14 (A) - InflationMonday: No Class "B" Day
Tuesday: Finish Unemployment - Inflation Notes Wednesday: No Class "B" Day Thursday: 12 Days of Xmas Inflation Friday: No Class "B" Day ![]()
Week 14 (B) - InflationMonday: Finish Unemployment
- Inflation Notes Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: 12 Days of Xmas Inflation HW: German Hyperinflation Assignment - Read article about German hyperinflation and explain what caused it and how it impacted the people of Germany. Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Review Day Unit III Test - Macroeconomics on Tuesday ![]()
Week 13 (A) - UnemploymentMonday: Go over GDP assignment
Tuesday: No Class "B" Day Wednesday: Discuss Un-Employment Thursday: No Class "B" Day Friday: Unemployment Notes ![]()
Week 13 (B) - UnemploymentMonday: No Class "A" Day
Tuesday: Discuss Un-Employment Wednesday: No Class "A" Day Thursday: Unemployment Notes Friday: No Class "A" Day |
Week 12 (A) - Economic IndicatorsMonday: No Class "B" Day
Tuesday: Types of Banking Systems HW: 311 2-5 Wednesday: No Class "B" Day Thursday: Measuring Economic Growth Friday: No Class "B" Day ![]()
Week 12 (B) - Economic IndicatorsMonday: Types of Banking Systems
Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Measuring Economic Growth HW: Country Economic Health Assignment Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Go over GDP assignment - Begin Unemployment ![]()
Week 11 (A) - The Great DepressionMonday: Finish the Fed Discussion
- HW: Great Depression Movie Vocab Tuesday: No Class "B" Day Wednesday: The Great Depression Thursday: No Class "B" Day Friday: Finish Movie - Begin Banking Systems ![]()
For Great Depression movie click HERE.
Week 11 (B) - The Great DepressionMonday: No Class "A" Day
Tuesday: The Great Depression Wednesday: No Class "A" Day Thursday: Finish Great Depression Discussion - Start Banking Systems HW: 311 2-5 Friday: No Class "A" Day |
Week 10 (A) - Banking SystemsMonday: No Class "B" Day
Tuesday: Money In-Class Activity - International Money HW: Big Mac Index Using the website HERE figure out your countries (or closest on to) implied exchange rate, and actual exchange rate as shown by Big-Macs. How much is the Big-Mac over-vauled or under-valued in your country? US Students choose one of the following countries: India, South Africa, Australia, GB, Mexico, or Canada Wednesday: No Class "B" Day Thursday: The United States Federal Reserve Bank Friday: No Class "B" Day ![]()
Week 10 (B) - Banking SystemsMonday: Money
In-Class Activity - International Money HW: Big Mac Index Using the website HERE figure out your countries (or closest on to) implied exchange rate, and actual exchange rate as shown by Big-Macs. How much is the Big-Mac over-vauled or under-valued in your country? US Students choose one of the following countries: India, South Africa, Australia, GB, Mexico, or Canada Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: The United States Federal Reserve Bank Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Banking Systems In-Class Discussion on the Fed |
***Spring Break - Enjoy!***
Week 9 (A) - MidtermMonday: No Class "B" Day
Tuesday: Unit II Test - Microeconomics Wednesday: No Class "B" Day Thursday: No School - Spring Break Friday: No School - Spring Break |
Week 9 (B) - MidtermMonday: Go Over Homework
- Labor and Wages HW: Study for Unit II Test - Microeconomics HW: Study Guide due next class HW: Journals handed in next class Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Unit II Test - Microeconomics Thursday: No School - Spring Break Friday: No School - Spring Break |
Week 8 (A) - Labor and WagesMonday: Perfect Competition
- Discuss Monopolies Tuesday: No Class "B" Day Wednesday: Types of Businesses Thursday: No Class "B" Day Friday: Go Over Homework - Labor and Wages HW: Study for Unit II Test - Microeconomics HW: Study Guide due next class HW: Journals handed in next class ![]()
Types of Businesses AssignmentFor each of the types of Business use your book to come up with a definition and the advantages and disadvantages of each type:
Sole Proprietorship Corporation Partnership Non-Profit |
Week 8 (B) - Labor and WagesMonday: No Class "A" Day
Tuesday: Perfect Competition - Discuss Monopolies Wednesday: No Class "A" Day Thursday: Types of Businesses Friday: No Class "A" Day ![]()
Week 7 (A) - PricesMonday: No Class "B" Day
Tuesday: Go Over Worksheet - Advantages of Prices HW: 185 2-5 Wednesday: No Class "B" Day Thursday: Finish Prices - In Class Activity - Monopolies Friday: No Class "B" Day ![]()
Week 7 (B) - PricesMonday: Go Over Mars Station Assignment
- Shifts in Supply and Demand Assignment Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Go Over Worksheet - Advantages of Prices Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Finish Prices - In Class Activity - Monopolies ![]()
Week 6 (A) - Shifts in Supply and DemandMonday: Principles of Supply
- Mars Station Assignment Tuesday: Wednesday: Capitalism: A love Story Thursday: No Class "B" Day Friday: Go Over Mars Station Assignment - Shifts in Supply and Demand Assignment ![]()
Week 6 (B) - Shifts in Supply and DemandMonday: No Class "A" Day
Tuesday: No School - Snow Day Wednesday: No Class "A" Day Thursday: Principles of Supply - Mars Station Assignment Friday: No Class "A" Day ![]()
Week 5 (A) - Supply and DemandMonday: No Class "B" Day
Tuesday: Journal #6 - Explain why you can charge more for a want than a need. Notes - Understanding Demand Graphs HW: pg 105 3-5 Wednesday: No Class "B" Day Thursday: Understanding Supply Graphs Friday: No Class "B" Day ![]()
Week 5 (B) - Supply and DemandMonday: Freakonomics
Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Journal #6 - Explain why you can charge more for a want than a need. Notes - Understanding Demand Graphs HW: pg 105 3-5 Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Understanding Supply Graphs ![]()
Week 4 (A) - Intro to Market EconomyMonday: No School - President's Day
Tuesday: No Class "B" Day Wednesday: Basic Principles of the Market Economy HW: Unit I Test Thursday Basics of Economics Study Guide Below Thursday: No Class "B" Day Friday: Unit I Test - Basics of Economics - Begin Unit II - Microeconomics ![]()
Week 4 (B) - Intro to Market EconomyMonday: No School - President's Day
Tuesday: Basic Principles of the Market Economy HW: Unit I Test Thursday Basics of Economics Study Guide Below Wednesday: No Class "A" Day Thursday: Unit I Test - Basics of Economics Friday: No Class "A" Day ![]()
Week 3 (A) - Economic SystemsMonday: No Class "B" Day
Tuesday: Types of Economic Systems Intro to the Free Market Wednesday: No Class "B" Day Thursday: Answering the 3 Economic Questions HW: Create a Product/Service Project Friday: No Class "B" Day ![]()
Week 3 (B) - Economic SystemsMonday: Economic Theories TPS Activity
HW: Finish Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Types of Economic Systems Intro to the Free Market Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Answering the 3 Economic Questions HW: Create a Product/Service Project ![]()
Economics Theory Think-Pair-Share Activity
Week 2 (A) - Economic TheoryMonday: Economics of the Super Bowl
Economics Vocabulary Assignment HW: Finish Vocab Assignment HW: Vocab Quiz Wednesday Tuesday: No Class "B" Day Wednesday: Economics of the iPhone Foundations of Economics Thursday: No Class "B" Day Friday: Principles of Economics Think-Pair-Share ![]()
Week 2 (B) - Economic TheoryMonday: No Class "A" Day
Tuesday: Economics of the Super Bowl Economics Vocabulary Assignment HW: Finish Vocab Assignment HW: Vocab Quiz Thursday Wednesday: No Class "A" Day Thursday:Economics of the iPhone Foundations of Economics Friday: No Class "A" Day ![]()
Week 1 (A) - IntroMonday: No Class - New student orientation
Tuesday: No Class - New student orientation Wednesday: No Class - New student orientation Thursday: Syllabus Day True and False Activity Friday: No Class "B" Day |
Week 1 (B) - IntroMonday: No Class - New student orientation
Tuesday: No Class - New student orientation Wednesday: No Class - New student orientation Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Syllabus Day True and False Activity |

True and False Economics | |
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