Welcome to Mr. Tredinnick's Environmental Policy Course!
This semester-long course examine the political landscape of the United States, through a specific emphasis of how the government develops and establishes policies regarding the environment. The course begins with an overview of the guiding principles of the formation of the government, before examining the role of different governmental and non-governmental agencies in formulating policies and legislation. Students will also examine how the policy of the United States contrasts to international frameworks on the environment. The varying levels of government will also be examined to see how policy is implemented at state, local, national, and international scales.
Environmental Policy Discussion Questions |
Page Map
"We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors; We borrow it from our children" - Native American Proverb
Unit I Course Schedule
Week 1: Course Introduction
(Aug 15-19) Module 1.1: Conservationists 101
Central Question: What is conservation and how do different forms of government get involved? Forum: Knowing the Ropes (1.1) Field Excursion: Getting to Know You (O&A) - Arguing a Policy (Assignment) HW: Review Syllabus & Review Unit Paper Module 1.2: Governmental Ideology
Central Question: What impact can governmental philosophies have on conservation efforts? Forum: Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life (1.2) Field Excursion: Seeing Government (Bugs) Map Lab: Comparing Conservation Policies (Assignment) + Freedom and Conservation (Map) + Freedom in the World + Environmental Performance Index Week 4: Role of Citizens
(Sept 5-9) Labor Day - Sept 5-6th
Module 1.7: Power of the People
Central Question: What actions can people take to effect change within the government? Forum: Forefront of Environmental Protection (1.7) Field Lab: Land Worth Protecting Part II - Photos, Poetry, and Field Studies (Assignment) Writing Lab 1.2: Peer Review |
Week 2: Basic Division of Power
(Aug 22-26) Module 1.3: Scale of Government
Central Question: What are the different levels of American government and what role can they have in protecting the environment? Forum: Who protects what? (1.3) - American Federalism and Public Lands (Notes) Writing Lab: Thesis Statement Draft Module 1.4: Power of the People
Central Question: In what ways is the U.S. Government of the people? by the people? and for the people? Forum: Land of the People (1.4) Field Excursion: Land Worth Protecting Part I (Adventure Trails) - American Citizenship (Notes) Writing Lab 1.1: Thesis Statement Drafts HW: Introduction and Outline (Due next Mod 1.5) Week 5: The American Experiment
(Sept 12-16) No School - Friday Sept 16th
Module 1.8: The American Experiment
Central Question: Where did the United States get some of its ideas for how government should operate? Forum: American Exceptionalism (1.8) - Beg, Borrow, Steal (Assignment) + We the People (Map) + WordCloud Creator Writing Lab 1.3: Last Minute Edits Module 1.9: Celebration of Knowledge
Central Question: What are the core principles behind the formation of the United State governmental system and how do those ideas relate to environmentalism? Forum: Q/Q/C/C/CoO (1.9) Unit I Test: Principles of Environmental Protection Unit I Paper - Governmental Role in Environmental Protection Submission HW: Kenyon: Chapters 1-8 (pages. 1-173) should be completed by October 31st |
Week 3: American Citizenship
(Aug 29-Sept 2) Module 1.5: Getting Involved in the Process
Central Question: How can American citizens more directly get involved in the process of American Government and protecting the environment? Forum: Why be Involved? (1.5) Field Excursion: Speak Your Piece (Africa) - Forms of Civic Participation (Notes) + ISideWith HW: Have Your Voice Heard (Assignment) + Nebraska Senator Lookup HW: Body Paragraphs drafted by 1.7 Module 1.6: Dividing Up Power
Central Question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of a three branch government? Forum: Autocratic or Democratic? (1.6) - Restrictions on Power (Notes) - The Antiquities Act (Assignment) HW: Body Paragraphs drafted by 1.7 |
Unit I NotesAmerican Federalism and Public Lands![]()
Unit I Position Project & Unit ReviewWriting Lab 1.1: Functional Thesis StatementThesis Statement Draft |
Unit I Assignments
Unit I Resources
"A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people." - President Franklin D. Rosevelt (D-NY, 1944)
Unit II Course Schedule
Week 6: Leading By Consensus
(Sept 19-23) Module 2.1: The People's Branch
Central Question: What is the function of the Legislative Branch and how can it affect Environmental Conservation? Forum: Legislative Requirements (2.1) Discussion: Environmental Checks and Balances - Role of the Legislative Branch (Notes) - Bill to Law Flow Chart (Notes) + Schoolhouse Rock: I'm Just a Bill HW: The Passage of the ESA (Assignment) + BallotPedia: History of the ESA Module 2.2: The Will of the People
Central Question: How is decision making delegated to ensure best possible outcome? Forum: Committees on the Environment (2.2) Discussion: The Passage of the ESA - Congressional Committees (Assignment) + Submission Form Discussion: Committee Qualifications Findings Week 9: Leading with Reason
(Oct 10-14) No School October 13-14 (PT Conferences)
Module 2.7: Providing Insight
Central Question: How is the Judicial Branch able to use its powers and oversight to influence legislation and executive actions towards the environment? Forum: Endangered Species Act (2.7) - A Wolf's Day in Court (Assignment) + Center for Biological Diversity: Minnesota Supreme Court Asked to Stop Killing of 400 Wolves + Howling For Wolves v. Minnesota DNR - Role of the Judicial Branch (Notes) HW: Dakota Access Pipeline (Assignment) + Dakota Pipeline (Overview of DAPL) + Indian Country: DAPL Illegal + Forbes: Let DAPL Remain Operational |
Week 7: Leading By Example
(Sept 26-30) Module 2.3: Dictating the Pace of Change
Central Question: How may the President use the position of their office to influence action towards the environment? Forum: Presidential Actions (2.3) - Role of the Executive Branch (Notes) - Commander in Green (Assignment) + How Trump is Changing the Environment + CNBC: Trump Paris Accord Exit is Good News for the Environment + Time: Is Obama Bad for the Environment + WP: Obama on Saving Energy Module 2.4: Wielding the Force of the Presidency
Central Question: Beyond their own powers, how can the president use their environmental policies to mold their legacy? Forum: Shared Responsibility (2.4) Discussion: For Better or Worse - Presidential Environmentalists (Assignment) + Theodore Roosevelt and the National Parks + Theodore Roosevelt and Conservation + Executive Branch Reading Room Week 10: Leading with Reason
(Oct 17-21) Module 2.8: The Rule of Laws
Central Question: How can influential pieces of Legislation from the past determine actions by the Federal Government in the present and Future? Forum: Environmental Considerations (2.8) Discussion: The Dakota Access Pipeline - National Environmental Policy Act (Notes) HW: Preparing for Field Excursion + NPS Volunteering and Internship Opportunities + NPS Artists-in-Residence Program Field Trip Day - October 19th, 2022
Module 2.9: The People's Parks
Central Question: How does the National Park Service reflect the Federal Government's role to protect the environment? Forum: The Reflection of Democracy (2.9) Field Excursion: NPS Career Fair Reflection (Assignment) + Virtual Career Fair |
Week 8: Leading By Action
(Oct 2-7) Module 2.5: Environmental Oversight
Central Question: Is the EPA a overburdensome agency with too much control on regulations, or is it necessary for executive oversight? Forum: Environmental Protector (2.5) - Gutting the EPA (Assignment) + The Environmental Protection Agency + Media Bias/Fact Check Discussion: The Environmental Protection Agency Module 2.6: Science and the Government's Role
Central Question: How is scientific data collection and analysis connected to the Federal Government's role of protecting citizen's fundamental rights of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness? Forum: For the Good of Science! (2.6) - Federal Scientific Agencies (Assignment) + NASA + NOAA + USGS HW: Federal Scientific Agencies Thought Question Week 11: Leading for All
(Oct 24-28) Module 2.10: Celebration of Knowledge
Central Question: Why is the Federal Government such an influential element in the fight to protect and preserve the natural environment? Forum: Q/Q/C/C/CoO (2.10) Unit II Test: Environmentalism at the Federal Level HW: Kenyon Chapters 9-15 (pgs.175-282) should be complete before December 7th |
Unit II Notes![]()
Unit II Review![]()
Unit II Assignments
Unit II Resources
Semester Project - Collecting Scientific Data for Informed Governmental Action
“The environment is so fundamental to our continued existence that it must transcend politics and become a central value of all members of society.” - Dr. David Suzuki (1997 The Sacred Balance)
Week 11: Field Data Collection
(Oct 24-28) Module 4.1: Geography of Water Quality
Central Question: How is science important to government, and government important to science? Forum: Establishing Knowledge on Watersheds (1a) Field Lab: Waste Data Collection (Activity) + Marine Debris Tracker HW: Collect 1 gallon of water from a local water system (remember where from) Module 4.2: Examining a Community's Water Supply
Central Question: What resources are already available to monitor water quality? Forum: Basics of Streamflow (1b) - Water Flow in Local Waterways (Activity) - Healthy WaterWays (Activity) - Determining Drinking Water Safety (Activity) HW: Collect Water Sample by next class |
Week 12: Organizing Data
(Oct 31-Nov 4) No school Oct 31 & Nov 1
Module 4.3: Field Data Collection in Water Quality
Central Question: How does water quality differ across the metro area? Forum: Water Quality Metrics (1c) - Community Water Sample Testing (Activity) + Debrief Module 4.4: Pushing for Change
Central Question: Once you have collected data, how can that data be used to make recommendations for informed governmental action? Forum: Science and Government (4.4) - Civic Action Development (Activity) + Water Quality Metrics + Examples of Action Plans + Raw Data + Find Your Senator - Action Plan Submission |
"We simply must do everything we can in our power to slow down global warming before it is too late. We can save our planet and also boost our economy at the same time." - Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA, 2006)
Unit III Course Schedule
Week 14: Local Governance
(Nov 7-11) Module 3.1: The Power of an Individual
Central Question: How are everyday citizens able to affect the political process, and why should they care? Forum: A Single Grain of Rice (3.1) Discussion: Gaining Perspective Map Lab: Environmental Injustice (Assignment) + EPA: Environmental Justice Screen + NRDC: The Environmental Justice Movement - Citizen Created Change (Assignment) + Atlantic: Why March for Science? + Nat Geo: Climate Change 101 + UN: Leonardo DiCaprio Message Week 17: Information and Exposure
(Dec 5-9) Module 3.6: Keeping the People Informed
Central Question: What role does the Media have in linking the actions of the United States Government and the People? Why is a "Free Media" so important in a Democracy? Forum: Who Should You Trust Online? (3.6) Discussion: Importance of Free Media - The Influence of Media (Notes) - Holding Our Representatives Accountable (Assignment) + League of Conservation Voters Module 3.7: Academia and the Ivory Tower
Central Question: How can academic institutions help sway governmental opinions regarding environmental policy? Forum: The Bias of Science (3.7) - The Ivory Towers (Assignment) + Top Environmental Science Schools - Elizabeth Warren Rips Think Tanks HW: End of Unit Test Module 3.8, and End of Book test on Module 3.9 |
Week 15: Philosophical Leaders
(Nov 14-18) Module 3.2: State and Local Government
Central Question: How do state and local governments operate and how can they be influential in the processes of environmental policy? Forum: Its a State Issue (3.2) Discussion: Gaining Perspective (pt. II) + Reflection (Assignment) - Local Government (Notes) Discussion: Environmental Justice - State Environmentalists (Assignment) Module 3.3: Tribal Governance and Conservation
Central Question: What factors influence the relationship between Tribal Governments and the US Federal Government and how can that affect their ability to work together to protect the environment? Forum: Stuck in the Past (3.3) Discussion: The Importance of Sovereignty Map Lab: From Whence it Came (Assignment) + Native Lands + Cessions of Nebraska + Indigenous Tribes Index HW: Historic Roots, Modern Issues (Assignment) + Smithsonian Institute - Treaties Still Matter Week 18: Finish Unit III
(Dec 12-16) Module 3.8: Celebration of Knowledge Central Question: How can people and groups not connected directly to the Federal government still have an impact on how the country is run? Forum: Q/Q/C/C/CoO (3.8) Unit III Test: State and Non-Governmental Environmentalists - Kenyon Reading Test Rubric - Kenyon Submission Form - Course Survey |
Week 16: Contributions of NGOs
(Nov 21-25) Thanksgiving Break - Nov 23-25
Module 3.4: Party Politics
Central Question: What are the values of political parties in the efforts to preserve the environment? Forum: Playing Politics with the Environment (3.4) - Purpose of Political Parties (Notes) + Open Secrets - The Political Machine (Notes) - Researching a Position (Assignment) HW: Make a Plea (Assignment) |
Unit III Notes![]()
Unit III Review |
Unit III Assignments![]()
Unit III Resources
Unit IV Assignments
Unit IV Resources
Environmental Policy Course Resources
Class Forum |