I'm currently updating the materials on this class so please check back often as more materials are literally being added daily! If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Mr. T
Updated 11/15/2017
I'm currently updating the materials on this class so please check back often as more materials are literally being added daily! If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Mr. T
Updated 11/15/2017
Welcome to Mr. Tredinnick's World Geography Class
Geography is the science of space and place on Earth’s surface. It is
an integrative discipline that brings together the physical and human dimensions of our world. Geography’s subject matter is the spatial arrangement of the physical and human phenomena that make up the world’s environments and gives character to places, large and small. Geography describes the changing patterns of places in words, maps, numbers and graphics, explains how these patterns come to be, and unravels their meaning. ![]()
World Map Quizzes![]()
Unit X - The Polar Regions: Scientific Hotspot
Unit X Course Schedule
Week 28: Continent Introduction
Monday: Tuesday: Antarctica Physical Regions Wednesday: Antarctica Political Divisions - The Antarctica Treaty (Notes) Thursday: Friday: |
Week 29: Scientific Significance
Monday: Ecotourism and the Human Impact Tuesday: Measuring Global Warming Wednesday: Fishing Rights Thursday: Friday: |
Unit X Notes |
Unit X Assignments |
Unit X Maps and Review |
Unit X Additional Resources
Unit IX - Oceania: The Lands Down Under?
Unit IX Course Schedule
Week 25: Continent Introduction
Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Oceania Physical Regions Thursday: Oceania Political Divisions Friday: |
Week 26: Australia and New Zealand
Monday: Cricket Rugby and Culture Tuesday: Resources for Hire Wednesday: The Aborigines and Maori Thursday: Sheep and Wine Friday: Immigration and the Demographic Shift |
Week 27: The Pacific Islands
Monday: Polynesia and Micronesia Tuesday: Tourism and Sinking Islands - Include Pacific Garbage Patch Wednesday: End of Colonialism? Thursday: Friday: |
Unit IX Notes |
Unit IX Assignments |
Unit IX Maps and Review![]()
Unit IX Additional Resources
Unit VIII - Asia: In Rapid Change
Unit VIII Course Schedule
Week 22: Continent Introduction
Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Asia Physical Regions Thursday: Asia Political Divisions Friday: |
Week 23: South and East Asia
Monday: China's Rising Power Tuesday: Asiatic Religions Wednesday: Agriculture and the Green Revolution Thursday: The Four Tigers and Development Friday: Pollution, Desertification, and Resources |
Week 24: Central Asia and the Middle East
Monday: Religious Secretarianism - Include Israel and Palestine Tuesday: Oil and Development - Women's Rights and Sharia Wednesday: Legacy of the Soviet Union Thursday: Friday: |
Unit VIII Notes |
Unit VIII Assignments |
Unit VIII Maps and Review![]()
Unit VIII Additional Resources
Unit VII - Africa: The Bright Continent
Unit VII Course Schedule
Week 19: Continent Introduction
Monday: Introducing Africa - African Perceptions (Assignment) - African Political Trivia (Assignment) HW: The Shape of Africa (Assignment) Tuesday: Map Work - Africa Physical Map (Review) - Africa Political Map (Review) HW: Political and Physical Map Quizzes Friday Wednesday: Africa Physical Regions - The Dark Continent ( Assignment) - Physical Regions of Africa (Notes) HW: Explore the Regions(Assignment) + PBS: Explore the Regions HW: Political and Physical Map Quizzes Friday Thursday: Africa Political Divisions - The Political Divisions of Africa (Notes) HW: Political and Physical Map Quizzes Friday Friday: Political and Physical Features - Africa Political Map Quiz - Africa Physical Map Quiz HW: TED Talk: Chimamanda Adichie (Assignment) |
Week 20: The Phoenix of Imperialism
Monday: Superimposed Borders - Berlin Conference Simulation + Berlin Conference Reflection Questions (Assignment) - Formation of African Borders (Notes) HW: The Question of Western Sahara (Assignment) + Understanding Western Sahara Tuesday: Agriculture - Agricultural Changes in Africa (Notes) - GIS Inquiry: African Agriculture (Assignment) + Agriculture in Africa HW: Women as Green Agents of Change (Assignment) Wednesday: Cultural Divides and Connections - The Bantu Migration (Assignment) - Defining African Culture (Notes) Thursday: The Resources of Africa - Slavery in Africa (Notes) - Economic Imperialism - Conflict Diamonds (Assignment) + The Kimberley Process HW: + The Rural Women Solar Engineers Friday: The Demographic Boom - Examining African Demography (Assignment) HW: TED Talk: Andrew Mwenda (Assignment) |
Week 21: Culture and Structure of Africa
Monday: Religion and Dictators The Arab Spring Tuesday: Africa? Middle East? Europe? Wednesday: Urban Africa - African Urban Models (Notes) Thursday: Unit VII Review - Review all materials from Unit VII - Africa HW: Unit VII Test - Africa + Next Class Friday: Finish Unit VII - Unit VII Test - Africa HW: Ted Talk: Leslie Dodson (Assignment) |
Unit VII Notes![]()
Additional Materials![]()
Unit VII Assignments![]()
Unit VII Maps and Review![]()
Unit VII Additional Resources
Unit VI - Europe: Connected and Estranged
Unit VI Course Schedule
Week 16: Continent Introduction
Monday: Tuesday: Map Work - Europe Political Map (Review) Wednesday: European Physical Regions Thursday: European Political Divisions Friday: |
Week 17: Western Europe
Monday: The European Union Tuesday: Economic Decline Wednesday: The Question of GMOs Thursday: Refugees and Demography Friday: Birthplace of Industry |
Week 18: East and Central Europe
Monday: The Cold War and its End? Tuesday: The Population Decline Wednesday: Nationalism in the Baltic and Balkans Thursday: Friday: |
Unit VI Notes |
Unit VI Assignments |
Unit VI Maps and Review![]()
Unit VI Additional Resources
Unit V - South America: Traditions and Change
Unit V Course Schedule
Week 13: Continent Introduction
Monday: Introduction to South America - South America Preview (Assignment) + South America by Drone HW: Finish Preview Tuesday: Map Work - Discuss South America Preview assignment - South America Physical Map (Review) - South America Political Map (Review) HW: Political and Physical Map Quizzes Friday Wednesday: South America Physical Regions - Geographic Regions of South America (Notes) HW: Political and Physical Map Quizzes Friday Thursday: South America Political Divisions - Political Regions of South America (Notes) HW: Political and Physical Map Quizzes Friday Friday: Political and Physical Features - South America Political Map Quiz - South America Physical Map Quiz HW: TED Talk: Juliana Machado Ferreira (Assignment) |
Week 14: The Andean Countries
Monday: European and Folk Cultures - The Cultural Landscape: South America (Notes) HW: Soccer and South America (Assignment) Tuesday: Physically Locked Off - Landlocked States (Notes) - The Atacama Dispute (Assignment) HW: Complete question 4 of The Atacama Dispute Thought Question Wednesday: From Swidden to Monsanto - Agriculture in South America (Notes) HW: Amazonian Deforestation (Assignment) + Amazon Footprint and Deforestation Thursday: Plantation Crops of South America - Cash Crops of South America (Assignment) + Coca + Coffee + Sugar HW: Fair Trade Coffee (Assignment) Friday: Changing Face of South America - Asian Migration (Assignment) HW: Asian Migration Thought Question (Assignment) HW: TED Talk: Eduardo Paes (Assignment) |
Week 15: Amazon and the Low Countries
Monday: The Case of Argentina - Argentina and Development (Notes) Tuesday: The Case of Brazil - Brazil as International Host (Notes) HW: Designing Brasilia (Assignment) + 36 Hours in Brasilia Wednesday: Lost Tribes of the Amazon - Amazon Un-Contacted Tribes (Assignment) + Debate Thursday: Unit V Review - Review all materials from Unit V - South America HW: Unit V Test - South America + Next Class Friday: Finish Unit V - Unit V Test - South America HW: TED Talk: Enrique Penalosa (Assignment) |
Unit V Notes![]()
Unit V Assignments![]()
Unit V Maps and Review![]()
"We have a bad image in the world, I've got to admit. I just want people to think twice about Colombia. Don't go by the first impression."
Unit V Additional Resources
Unit IV - North America: Anglo-Latin Divide
Unit IV Course Schedule
Week 9: Continent Introduction
Monday: Introduction to North America - Examining North America (Assignment) + North American 4K Tuesday: Map Work - North America Political Map (Review) - North America Physical Map (Review) - United States Political Map (Review) + Wakko's 50 States and Capitals HW: Political and Physical Map Quizzes Friday Wednesday: North America Physical Regions - Physical Regions of North America (Notes) HW: Political and Physical Map Quizzes Friday Thursday: North America Political Divisions - Political Regions of North America (Notes) HW: Political and Physical Map Quizzes Friday Friday: Political and Physical Features - North America Political Map Quiz - North America Physical Map Quiz - United States Political Map Quiz HW: TED Talk: Garth Lenz (Assignment) |
Week 10: The United States and Canada
Monday: The Population - The "Anglo" Americans (Notes) HW: American Ethnicities (Assignment) Tuesday: Agricultural Regions - Agriculture in MDCs (Notes) HW: Giving Food Aid (Assignment) Wednesday: The Industrial Landscape - American Industrialism (Notes) HW: Foreign Auto Industry (Assignment) Thursday: Surveys, Cities, and Borders - Anglo-American Surveys and Cities (Notes) HW: The Northwest Angle (Assignment) Friday: Are we Europe? - American Cultural Influences (Assignment) - Quebec Devolution (Assignment) HW: TED Talk: Jay Walker (Assignment) Week 12: The Caribbean
Monday: Cuba and ties to the West - Present Tourism Brochures - The Cuba Question (Notes) HW: Cuban Trade (Assignment) + A Fresh Look at Cuban Trade Tuesday: Greater and Lesser Antilles - Hispaniola Differences (Assignment) - The Caribbean Islands (Notes) HW: The Republic of Baseball (Assignment) + The Republic of Baseball (NY Times) + The Lure of Baseball (NY Times) Wednesday: Colonial Heritage - Explaining Territories (Assignment) HW: Begin Reviewing for Unit Test Thursday: Unit IV Review - Review all materials from Unit IV - North America HW: Unit IV Test - North America + Next Class Friday: Finish Unit IV - Unit IV Test - North America HW: TED Talk: Afra Raymond (Assignment) |
Week 11: Central America
Monday: Globalizing Central America - Coca-Cola Globalization (Assingment) HW: IMF and Globalization (Assignment) Tuesday: Banana Republics - Geo-Political Issues in Central America (Notes) + School of the Americas Watch Wednesday: Mexico and Development - The Green Revolution in Mexico (Assignment) - Maquiladoras (Assignment) Thursday: Save the Rainforest - Central American Deforestation (Notes) - WWF Objectives (Assignment) HW: WWF Objectives Thought Question Friday: Travel and Tourism - Tourism Brochure (Assignment) HW: Finish Brochure HW: TED Talk: Rodrigo Canales (Assignment) |
Unit IV Notes![]()
Additional Materials![]()
Unit IV Assignments![]()
Unit IV Maps and Review![]()
Unit IV Additional Resources
Unit III - Principles of Human Geography
Unit III Course Schedule
Week 6: Population and Urban Geography
Monday: Examining Population - Introduction to Population Geography + National Geographic: 7 Billion + National Geographic: Are you typical? - Population Geography Vocabulary (Assignment) HW: Finish Population Geography Vocabulary Tuesday: Population Indicators - Basics of Population Geography (Notes) HW: Using Factbook and Factfinder (Assignment) Wednesday: Principles of Migration - Introduction to Migration (Notes) HW: The Irish Potato Famine (Assignment) Thursday: Urbanization - Introduction to Urban Geography (Notes) - Urban Models (Notes) HW: Gentrification Opinion Piece (Assignment) Friday: Urban Interactions - Urban-Environment Interactions (Assignment) HW: TED Talk: Rasmus Frisk (Assignment) |
Week 7: Economic Geography
Monday: Agricultural Geography - Principles of Agriculture (Notes) HW: Third World Farmer (Assignment) Tuesday: Spatial Distribution of Agriculture - Von Thunen's Model of Land Use (Notes) - Modeling Minnesota Agriculture (Assignment) HW: Finish Modeling Minnesota Agriculture Wednesday: Industrial Geography - Introduction to Industrial Geography (Notes) Thursday: Industry Case Studies - New International Division of Labor (Assignment) - Industry in Pakistan (Assignment) Friday: Indicators of Development - Development Models (Notes) - Stages of Development (Assignment) HW: TED Talk: Charles Robertson (Assignment) |
Week 8: Cultural and Political Geography
Monday: Principles of Culture - Introduction to Culture (Notes) Tuesday: Cultural Diffusion - Cultural Diffusion Vocabulary (Assignment) HW: Finding Globalization (Assignment) Wednesday: Principles of Political Geography - Introduction to Political Geography (Notes) HW: Explaining Ukraine (Assignment) Thursday: Unit III Review - Review all materials from Unit III - Principles of Human Geography HW: Unit III Test - Principles of Human Geography + Next Class Friday: Finish Unit III - Unit III Test - Principles of Human Geography HW: TED Talk: Jimmy Nelson (Assignment) |
Unit III Notes![]()
Preservation of one's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.
Unit III Assignments![]()
Unit III Additional Resources
Unit II - Physical Geography
Unit II Course Schedule
Week 3: Basic Earth Processes
Monday:Geographic Reference Points - Basic Map References (Notes) HW: Reference Map Quiz Next Class + Use Reference Map Review (Assignment) to help you prepare for quiz Tuesday: Basic Landforms - Reference Points Map Quiz - Landform Vocabulary (Assignment) HW: Landform Vocabulary Quiz Tomorrow Wednesday: World's Physical Features - Day 3 - Landform Vocabulary Quiz - Land and Water Features (Notes) - Review for World Physical Features Map Quiz + World Physical Map Review (Assignment) HW: Physical Map Quiz on Friday Thursday: World Physical Features - Day 2 - Review for World Physical Features Map Quiz + World Physical Map Review (Assignment) HW: Physical Map Quiz on Friday Friday: World Physical Features - Day 3 - Review and Questioning - World Physical Map Quiz HW: TED Talk: Juan D. Carrillo (Assignment) |
Week 5: Ecological Biomes
Monday: Biomes - Day 1 - World Biomes (Notes) Tuesday: Biomes - Day 2 - World Biomes (Notes) HW: World Biomes Location (Assignment) Wednesday: Biomes in Film - Planet Earth: Episode One - From Pole to Pole + From Pole to Pole (Assignment) Thursday: Unit II Review - Review all materials from Unit II - Physical Geography HW: Unit II Test - Physical Geography + Next Class Friday: Finish Unit II - Unit II Test -Physical Geography HW: TED Talk: Johan Rockstrom (Assignment) |
Week 4: Physical Processes
Monday: The Continental Form - The Shaping of the Earth (Notes) Tuesday: The Changing Surface - Day 1 - Earth Shaping Processes (Assignment) HW: Presentations need to be ready for tomorrow Wednesday: The Changing Surface - Day 2 - Earth Shaping Processes Presentations + Students take notes based off information in presentations - Extreme Weather (Notes) Thursday: The Reasons for the Seasons - The Sun's Impact on Climate (Notes) - Climate and the Water Cycle (Assignment) HW: Reading Climate Graphs (Assignment) Friday: The Water Cycle - Climate and the Water Cycle (Assignment) + Bill Nye - The Water Cycle HW: TED Talk: Fahad Al-Attiya (Assignment) |
Unit II Notes![]()
Unit II Test and Quizzes Review![]()
Unit II Assignments![]()
Unit II Additional Resources
Unit I - Theories and Practices of Geography
Unit I Course Schedule
Week 1: Course Introduction
Monday: No School - Labor Day Tuesday: Course Welcome - Teacher/Student Introduction - Course Introduction + Carl Sagan - Your are Here + Geographic Preconceptions (Assignment) + Where in the World (Assignment -> Activity) HW: Read over syllabus and come to class tomorrow with any questions Wednesday: Defining Geography - Go over questions from Syllabus - Necessary World Geography Terms (Assignment) HW: Vocabulary Quiz Next Class Thursday: The Five Themes of Geography - Necessary World Geography Terms Quiz - The Five Themes of Geography (Notes) HW: Geography is Everywhere (Assignment) HW: Bring Computers Next Class Friday: Applying the Five Themes - Discuss Geography is Everywhere Assignment - Finding the Five Themes (Assignment) HW: Finish Finding the Five Themes HW: TED Talk: Aris Venetikidis (Assignment) |
Week 2: Course Introduction
Monday: The Craft of the Geographer - Developments of Geography (Notes) HW: Your Personal Geography (Assignment) Tuesday: Elements of a Map - Exploring Map Projections (Notes) - Thematic Maps (Notes) Wednesday: - Elements of a Good Map (Notes) HW: Practicing TODALSIGS Thursday: GPS/GIS - Introduction to GIS (Notes) - Using GPS (Assignment) HW: Practice Using GIS (Assignment) Friday: Finish Unit I - Unit I Test:Theories and Practices of Geography HW: TED Talk: Steve Johnson (Assignment) |
Unit I Notes![]()
Unit I Assignments![]()