Welcome to Mr. Tredinnick's Art History Class
This one semester covers the developments of artistic expressions from its first uses to contemporary artistic expression. Student will examine art’s transition from being a form of communication, to methods of personal, religious, political, and social expression. By examining different artistic movements and trends, across space and time, students will gain an understanding of the different changes in the form and function that art has undergone. Throughout the course of the semester we will be examining Architecture, and visual (paintings and photographs) pieces from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Europe. This one credit class fulfills the Art credit and is required for the Arts Certificate.
Unit IV - The Modern Era
Unit IV IntroductionUnit IV focuses on the developments of art from 1400 until today. Starting with the development of the Italian Renaissance the artistic movements are often a reflection of the cultural and political landscape of Europe and the greater world. Specific emphasis will be set on how artistic trends spread to different countries and areas and lead to worldwide artistic traditions. A large focus of this unit will be the artistic movements out of Europe and North America and the masterpieces and artists that have gained fame from their masterpieces.
Unit IV Course Schedule
Week 13: Tale of two Renaissances
(Nov 30- Dec 4) Monday: Unit III Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Unit III Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: The Italian Renaissance - Art of the Italian Renaissance (Notes) + Principles of Italian Renaissance Art (Notes) + Italian Renaissance Case Studies (Assignment) |
Week 14: The 17th-18th Centuries
(Dec 7-11) Monday: No Class "A" Day Tuesday: The Northern Renaissance - The Northern Renaissance (Notes) HW: The Flemish Masters (Assignment) Wednesday: No Class "A" Day Thursday: Baroque and Mannerism - The Mannerist Style (Assignment) - Baroque Artistic Movement (Notes) - Baroque Architectual Case Studies + Chateau de Versailles + Saint Petersburg, Russa (Notes) Friday: No School - Staff Development |
Week 15: Art of the 19th Century
(Dec 15-18) Monday: Rococo - The Rococo Artistic Movement (Notes) - Summarizing Rococo (Assignment) HW: Finish Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Neoclassical Movement - Discuss Summarizing Rococo - Neoclassicism (Notes) - Neoclassical Buildings (Assignments) Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Romanticism and Realism - The Romanticism Movement (Notes) - Realism Painters (Assignment) HW: Finish |
Week 16: Art of the last 150 Years
(Jan 5-9) Monday: Review Day Tuesday: Impressionism - Present Realism Painters - Value of Art (Assignment) - Impressionism (Notes) Wednesday: Review Day Thursday: Art of the 20th Century - Introduction to Cubism (Assignment) + Cubism (Notes) - Art of the Early 20th Century (Notes) + Sister Wendy: A New Pair of Eyes Friday: Review Day |
Week 17: End of Unit IV
(Jan 11-15) Monday: Modern Art - Abstract Art (Notes) - Jackson Pollock (Assignment) + Jackson Pollock Pieces (Notes) HW: Andy Warhol and Pop Art (Assignment) Tuesday: No Classes "A" Day Wednesday: Unit IV Test - January 15th, 2015 Thursday:No Classes "A" Day Friday: Introduce Final Project - Work Time Week 18: End of Unit IV
(Jan 18-22) Monday: No School - MLK Day Tuesday: No Classes "A" Day Wednesday: B Day Finals Cumulative Final - Art of the Semester Present Projects Thursday: A Day Finals Friday: Make-Up Finals No School - Teacher Work Day End of Course Survey |
Unit IV Notes
Unit IV Assignments
Unit IV Test Review
Unit IV Website Links
Unit III - The Middle Ages
Unit III IntroductionUnit III Focuses on the independent artistic developments of the major world regions in the era just prior to the European colonial period. The focus will be on the distinct artistic styles of the different regions in the forms of visual art, ornamentation, and architecture that defined cultural groups through their unique styles and tastes in art. Major cultural groups such as Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity become increasingly unifying factors in beginning to breach regional divides to culturally link different civilizations together.
Unit III Course Schedule
Week 9: The Islamic World
(Nov 2-6) Monday: Foundations of Islamic Art - Principles of Islamic Art (Notes) - Art of the Islamic World (Assignments) HW: Finish Art of the Islamic World Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Islamic African Kingdoms - Spread of Islamic Art to Africa and Southwest Europe (Notes) + Great Mosque of Djenne - Alhambra A.R.E. (Assignment) HW: ISIS in Iraq (Assignment) Thursday: No Class "A" Day Half Day - Teacher Work Day Friday: No School - Staff Development Week 11: Medieval Europe
(Nov 16-20) Monday: No Class "A" Day Tuesday: Early Art of Medieval Europe - Go over Art of the Americas Artifact Interpretation - Art of Scandinavia and Britain (Notes) HW: The Carolingian Renaissance (Assignment) Wednesday: No Class "A" Day Thursday: Romanesque Art and Architecture - Go over Carolingian Renaissance - The Romanesque Movement (Notes) HW: Iconoclasm (Assignment) Friday: No Class "A" Day Week 13: Finish Unit III
(Nov 30-Dec 4) Monday: Unit III Test - Medieval Era (November 30th) Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Unit IV Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Unit IV |
Week 10: Sub-Saharan Africa & The Americas
(Nov 9-13) Monday: Islamic Empires of South and Central Asia - Islamic Art of Central and South Asia (Notes) + Artistic Style of Central and South Asia (Assignments) HW: Representing Islamic Art of Iran (Assignment) Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Sub-Saharan Africa - Art of Sub-Saharan Africa + UNESCO - The Stone Kingdom: Great Zimbabwe - Sub-Saharan Art Forms (Assignment) HW: Finish Sub-Saharan Art Forms Assignment Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Art of the Americas - Art of the Americas Artifact Interpretation (Assignment) Week 12: Gothic Art
(Nov 23-27) Monday: Gothic Art and Architecture - Gothic Architecture: Style, Characteristics, and History - Characteristics of Gothic Architecture (Notes) HW: Gothic Stained Glass (Assignment) HW: Review Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: No School - Thanksgiving Break Thursday: No School - Thanksgiving Break Friday: No School - Thanksgiving Break |
Unit III Notes
Unit III Test Review
Unit III Assignments
Unit III Website Links
Unit II - The Classical Era
Unit II IntroductionUnit II focuses on the scholastic study of new fundamental artistic practices and perspectives. As societies grow and mature, so do their understandings and demands for new and different forms of art. As they develop they often draw their inspiration from the natural, cultural, and historical events that surround them leading to unique regional artistic forms and drastic changes in the development of artistic "voices" of cultures as ways to distinguish themselves and display their power to themselves and their neighbors.
Unit II Course Schedule
Week 5: Classical Greece
(Oct 5-9) Monday: Unit I Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: The Aegean Civilizations - Ancient Aegean Art (Notes) HW: Aegean Necessary Vocabulary (Assignments) Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Classical Greece - Classical Greek Art (Activity) + Deconstructing History: The Acropolis - Classical Greek Art and Architecture (Notes) Half Day - Teacher Workshops |
Week 6: Artistic Traditions of the Italian Peninsula
(Oct 12-16) Monday: No Class "A" Day Tuesday: Art of the Etruscans and Roman Republic - Art of the Etruscans (Notes) - Art of the Roman Republic (Assignment) HW: Finish Wednesday: No Class "A" Day Thursday: No School - MEA Friday: No School - MEA |
Week 7: Art of the Early Christian Church and Han China
(Oct 19-23) Monday: The Roman Imperial Era - Engineering an Empire: Rome (Assignment) HW: Finish Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Beginnings of Christian Artistic Expression - Early Christian Art (Notes) - Art of Byzantium (Assignment) HW: Finish Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Han China - Artistic Traditions of Han Dynasty China (Notes) - Examining Art of Han China (Assignment) HW: Significance of Art: Classic Era (Assignment) |
Week 8: Classical India
(Oct 26-30) Monday: No Class "A" Day Tuesday: Mauyra, Greco-Buddhism, and Gupta - Classical Art of the Indian Sub-Contient HW: Unit II Test Study Guide HW: Unit II Test - Classical Era (Thursday) Wednesday: No Class "A" Day Thursday: Unit II Test - Classical Era Friday: No Class "A" Day |
Unit II Notes
Unit II Test Review
Unit II Assignments
Unit II Website Links
Unit I - Ancient Artistic Traditions
Unit I IntroductionIn this four week unit we will cover the earliest forms of art as it makes its transition from functional to aesthetic form. From the earliest cave drawings of human beings' early ancestors to the building of the elaborate (yet functional) pyramids of the Egypt, the pre-classical era marks a transition in human culture to the development of art of art's sake. Special emphasis in this unit will be placed on the development of art through trial and error and cultural sharing.
Unit I Course Schedule
Week 1: Course Introduction
(Sept 7-11) Monday:No School - Labor Day Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Course Introduction - Introductions + My favorite pieces of art + Getting to know you - Course Expectations + Go over syllabus - Introduction to Art History Activity Thursday: No Classes - At Camp Friday: No Classes - At Camp Week 2: Art as a means of Communication (Sept 14-18) Monday: No Class "A" Day Tuesday: Origins of Art - Necessary Vocabulary (Assignment) - Origins of Art (Notes) + Stonehenge Video HW: Neanderthal Art Wednesday: No Classes - In School Retreat Thursday: Developments of Language - Free Write 1 - Sumerian Tally of Sheep - Discuss Neanderthal Art - Changes in Writing (Assignment) + Discuss answers Friday: No Class "A" Day |
Week 3: Art of the Mesopotamian, Indus, and Yellow River Civilizations
(Sept 21-25) Monday: Mesopotamian Art - Mesopotamian Art Activity HW: Thought Questions from Mesopotamian Art Activity Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Indus Valley - Art and Architecture of the Indus Valley Civilizations (Notes) Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Shang China - Early Chinese Artistic Traditions (Notes) - Early Chinese Artifact Interpretation (Assignment) Week 4: The Egyptian's Developments in Art and Architecture (Sept 28-Oct 2) Monday: No Class "A" Day Tuesday: Egyptian Religious Practices - Ancient Egyptian Funerary Traditions (Notes) HW: Design an Egyptian Tomb (Assignments) Wednesday: No Class "A" Day Thursday: Egyptian Architecture - Engineering an Empire - Egypt (Assignment) HW: Test on Monday about Ancient Artistic Traditions (Use Unit I Study Guide to help study) Friday: No Class "A" Day |
Week 5: Finish Unit I
(Oct 5-9) Monday: Unit I Test - Pre-Classical Era Tuesday: No Class "A" Day Wednesday: Begin Unit II Thursday: No Class "A" Day Friday: Unit II |
Unit I Notes
Unit I Test Review
Unit I Website LinksEngineering an Empire - EgyptPurpose of Stonehenge |
Unit I Assignments/Activities