Welcome to Mr. Tredinnick's Psychology Course
Psychology looks at the way that human's minds operate and how our minds perceive the world around them. Psychology seeks to build an understanding of how the mind builds its own perception of itself, constructs the identity of an individual, and helps place the individual within the conscious and unconscious world. In this semester long online course students will be working through an examination of how Psychologists study the role of the individual and group dynamics, how individuals learn and develop, how individuals work as part of a larger whole, and finally how the mind seeks to interpret its own reality. Through studying Psychology students will have a better understanding of the way the mind works and develop their ability to think critically.
Psychology Discussion Questions
Unit V - Behavioral Psychology
Unit V Course Schedule
Week 14: Testing and Individual Differences
(Nov 20-24) Class 5.1: Biological Basis of Behavior - Forum: What have you inherited? (5.1) - Biological Psychology (Notes) - A Child's Failings (Assignment) + Psychology Today: Blaming Parents for Their Children's Failings Thursday Nov 24th: No School - Thanksgiving Break Week 17: End of Unit V
(Dec 11-15) Class 5.6: Review - Univ V Review: Behavioral Psychology (Review) Class 5.7: Finish Unit V - Unit V Test - Cognition and Learning - All Unit V Assignments need to be in by 11:59pm on Friday December 15th, 2017 |
Week 15: Social Psychology
(Nov 27-Dec 1) Class 5.2: Normal and Abnormal Behavior - Forum: What is Abnormal? (5.2) - Characterizing "Abnormal" Behavior (Notes) - TED Talk: Thandie Newton (Assignment) + TED Talk: Thandie Newton Class 5.3: Psychological Disorders - Forum: Temporarily Able (5.3) - Mental Illness (Notes) + PsyWeb: The DSM IV - Research a Mental Illness (Assignment) - Psychology of Stress (Notes) - Measuring Stress (Assignment) |
Week 16: The Deep Workings of the Mind
(Dec 4-8) Class 5.4: Treatment of Abnormal Behavior - Forum: Summarizing an Illness (5.4) - Treating Mental Illness (Notes) - Reviewing Treatment (Assignment) Class 5.5: Abstract Psychology - Forum: Psychology and Psychoanalysis (5.5) - Existentialism (Assignment) + John Paul Sartre and the Existential Choice - Dream Theory (Assignment) - The Fear of Nothingness and the Mind (Assignment) + Alan Watts: Nothingness + Alan Watts: The Mind Week 18: Psychology CSA
(Dec 18-22) Class 5.8: End of Semester - Psychology Cumulative CSA + The Story of Phineas Gage + Crash Course: Getting to Know Your Brain - Complete Missing Assignments - Complete Test Corrections - Course Survey |
Unit V Notes
Unit V Review
Unit V Assignment
Unit V Resources
Unit IV - The Development of Self
Unit IV Course Schedule
Week 10: Developmental Psychology
(Oct 23-27) Class 4.1: Influences on Development - Forum: Experiences in Development (4.1) - The Study of Development (Notes) - The Mozart Effect (Assignment) Class 4.2: Motivation to Develop - Forum: Focusing on School (4.2) - Maslow's Hierarchy (Notes) + Expanded Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs + Simply Psychology: Maslow - Applying Maslow's Hierarchy (Assignment) |
Week 11: Development of Identity
(Oct 30-Nov 3) Class 4.3: Transitional Psychology - Forum: Changes in Identity (4.3) - Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Ability (Notes) - Erikson's Psychosocial Stages (Assignment) + Simply Psychology: Erik Erikson Class 4.4: Morality - Forum: Ideas of Right and Wrong? (4.4) - Ethics and Morality (Notes) - Arguing Euthanasia (Assignment) - TED Talk: Frans de Waal (Assignment) + TED Talk: Frans de Waal |
Week 12: Differences in Display
(Nov 6-10) Class 4.5: Emotion - Forum: Improving Your Emotions (4.5) - Personal Emotions (Notes) - Improving an Experience (Assignment) Class 4.6: Personality - Forum: Describe Your Personality (4.6) - Understanding Personality (Notes) - Explaining Personality (Assignment) + Myers & Briggs: Extraversion & Introversion + Extroversion Introversion Test + Lonerwolf Introversion Test |
Week 13: The Separations of Self
(Nov 13-17) Class 4.7: Human Psyche - Forum: Understanding our deepest desires (4.7) - Freud's Theory of Personality (Notes) HW: Unit IV Test - Development of Self Class 4.8: Finish Unit IV - Unit IV Test - Development of Self - All Unit IV Assignments need to be in by 11:59pm on Friday November 17th, 2017 |
Unit IV Notes
Unit IV Review
Unit IV Assignments
Unit IV Resources
Unit III - Cognition and Learning
Unit III Course Schedule
Week 6: Classical Conditioning
(Sept 25-29) Class 3.1: Introduction to Classical Conditioning - Forum: Messing with People (3.1) - Classical Conditioning (Notes) - Simply Pavlov (Assignment) Class 3.2: Using Classical Conditioning - Forum: Useful Psychology (3.2) - Applications of Classical Conditioning (Notes) + Baby Albert Experiment - Identifying Classical Conditioning (Assignment) - Treating PTSD (Assignment) + K9s for Warriors PSA + Psychology Today: PTSD Week 8: How Humans Learn
(Oct 9-13) Class 3.5: Memory - Forum: A Beautiful Mind (3.5) - Human Memory (Notes) - Unpacking your Memory (Assignment) Class 3.6: Creative Thought - Forum: Educational Psychology (3.6) - Bloom's Taxonomy (Assignment) + Bloom's Taxonomy and Education |
Week 7: Operant Conditioning
(Oct 2-6) Class 3.3: Introduction to Operant Conditioning - Forum: Beginning Operant Conditioning (3.3) - Operant Conditioning (Notes) + Baby K - Training Operant Conditioning (Assignment) Class 3.4: - Forum: Animal Training (3.4) - Comparing Conditioning (Assignment) + TEDEd - Operant and Classical Conditioning - Identifying Operant Conditioning (Assignment) - Participation Trophies (Assignment) Week 9: Motivation
(Oct 16-20) Class 3.7: Motivation - Forum: What Motivates You? (3.7) - Understanding Motivation (Notes) HW: Unit III Test - Cognition and Learning Class 3.8: Finish Unit III - Unit III Test - Cognition and Learning - All Unit III Assignments need to be in by 11:59pm on Friday October 20th, 2017 |
Unit III Notes
Unit III Review
Unit III Assignments
Unit III Resources
Unit II - Psychological Research Methods
Unit II Course Schedule
Week 4: Conducting Research
(Sept 11-15) Class 2.1: Basics of Psychological Research - Daily Forum: Understanding Research (2.1) - Scientific Research in Psychology (Notes) - Finding Research (Assignment) + Psychology Today + Psych Central Class 2.2: Research Methods - Daily Forum: Summarize your Study (2.2) - Psychology Research Methods (Notes) - Crash Course; Research Methods (Assignment) + Crash Course Episode 2: Psychology Research |
Week 5: Sensation and Perception
(Sept 18-22) Class 2.3: Psychology Ethics - Daily Forum: Necessity of Ethics (2.3) - Psychology Ethics (Notes) + APA - Ethical Principles - Confidential Information (Assignment) Class 2.4: Conducting an Experiment - Daily Forum: (2.4) - Design an Experiment (Assignment) - All Unit II Assignments need to be in by 11:59pm on Friday September 22nd, 2017 |
Unit II Notes
Unit II Assignments
Unit II Resources
Unit I - Principles of Psychology
Unit I Course Schedule
Week 1: Introduction to Psychology
(Aug 21-25) Class 1.1: Core Understandings of Psychology - Forum 1.1 - Introducing Yourself - Course Concepts Introduction (Assignment) + Blair-Broeker (pgs 5-6) + Crash Course: Intro to Psychology - Basics of Psychology (Notes) - A New Perception (Assignment) Class 1.2: Schools of Psychological Thought - Forum 1.2 - Summarizing Psychology (1.2) - Psychological Schools of Thought (Notes) - Examining the Six Schools (Assignment) |
Week 3: Modern Psychology
(Sept 4-8) Class 1.5: Modern Applications of Psychology - Forum 1.5 - Applying Psychology - Applied Psychology (Notes) - Fields of Psychology (Assignment) Class 1.6: Unit I Assessment - Unit I Test - Principles of Psychology - 10 Myths about Psychology Debunked - All Unit I Assignments need to be in by 11:59pm on Friday September 8th, 2017 |
Week 2: Psychological Perspectives
(Aug 28-Sept 1) Class 1.3: The Six Psychological Perspectives - Forum 1.3 - Psychological Perspectives - The Perspectives of Psychology (Notes) - Indian Boarding School Legacy (Assignment) + AIRC: Boarding Schools Class 1.4: Applying Psychological Thought - Forum 1.4 - Summarize the Perspectives - Adlerian Theory (Notes) + Alfred Adler - Individual Psychology - TED Talk: Laurel Braitman (Assignment) + TED Talk: Laurel Braitman - Evolutionary Psychology (Forum Discussion) + BBC: Evolutionary Psychology |
Unit I Notes
Unit I Review
Unit I Assignments