House of Representatives Qualifications • 25 years old • U.S. Citizen for 7 years • Resident of state elected •Members per State: Based on population – 435 total H.O.R. Composition: Republicans (199) Democrats (235) Independents (1) | Senate Qualifications •30 Years Old •American citizen for 9 years •Resident of state elected •Members per state – 2 from each state Senate Composition: Republicans (53) Democrats (45) Independents (2) |
Today's Learning Objective: Students will discuss the qualifications and roles of the houses of congress, as well as the general roles and responsibilities of congress. Students will then examine current environmental legislation to see what types of bills are being worked through right now and how the process actually plays out.
Central Question: What is the function of the Legislative Branch and how can it affect Environmental Conservation? (HS.1.1.c, 1.2.d)